New-look Gunn Clan website launched
A Gunn Clan reunion was held in Adelaide April 29-30, 2006. The Port Adelaide Caledonian Society hosted the event and one thing led to another, with the decision to establish a website to enable Gunns of Auckingill to communicate with each other from around the world. This is the new OzGunns website that will replace the older version.
The previous version of the Gunns of Auckingill website has been successful in providing a contact for a number of family members around the globe. These people have emailed me and sought information or have in turn provided information. Much of this has enabled Malcolm Gunn, the Gunn family historian, to further his work in telling the family story, filling in gaps in his research.
The website provides a way to distribute the newsletters that Malcolm puts together and any other information of interest gets posted from time to time (such as the Gunn Family Book – see the publications page).
I hope that you enjoy the new site. It is now interactive – meaning that you, as reader can post information or comments directly to the site if you want to – but you will need to register first (see right).

Andrew Gunn – editor
Andrew Gunn – editor
Submitted on 2009/06/13 at 11:19am
Administrator/editor – Andrew Gunn
Andrew Gunn is the son of Jim Gunn and works as a public servant in New South Wales in the field of Information and Communications Technology. He also maintains a personal website located at The Gunn family website is a subdomain within Andrew’s personal website. An important way for Gunn family members to keep up to date with family matters, the Gunn website is Andrew’s contribution to the effort of keeping the family focused on sharing their experiences with each other. Use the form below if you wish to contact the editor. [Form id=”1″].
A plan for development of the Website can be downloaded for viewing by clicking here for the MS Word Document
Key Contacts for Donald’s children…to help keep up to date with events in their family
- Murdoch Gunn…Catherine Troup; Dearne & Melissa Gunn; Ben Gray
- Ben Gunn…Kath Gunn; Andrew Gunn; Tim Gunn
- Carter…Robert Dennis
- Robertson…
- Ron Gunn…Faye Gunn
- Hills…Anne Basso; Susan Garde
- Threadgolds…Bob & Carol Schofield; Jeremy Threadgold
- Martins… Di Schafranek / Lyn Martin; Chris Martin; Bob & Ann Martin
Well done ye!
From the Atlantic coast of Canada,Clan Gunn Nova Scotia is dropping into say hello. Noticed your site mentioned through the yahoo discussion group so thought a contact wold be a good idea.I see my friend Ted Gunn has likewise made contact.
Our Nova Scotia group os over 200 strong at the moment and planning for our 2010 annual gathering is already in the planning stages.
Feel free to visit our web site any time and make contact.
Ian Gunn
Clan Gunn NS
Hello Ian!
It might be a wee while before you hear from my brother. He is travelling at present. So is Cousin Malcolm (our unofficial clan ‘chief’) – I know he has had contact with some Canadian Gunns and we had a visit from two several years back. Come on out and visit us – contrary to common belief we do not have man eating kangaroos!
Apologies if I’ve posted this in the wrong place. I’ve found your excellent website on the Gunn family whilst searching for my own ancestor. I’ve only just skimmed through it but I noticed that your genealogy included reference to Gavin Gunn born about 1844/45 son of Peter Gunn and Alexandrina Robertson.
On the page I read it did not show the details of Gavin’s wife and child. I’m not a direct relation of Gavin Gunn but if I’ve found the correct Gavin, I am a direct descendant of his wife Jemima. From my research I know that Gavin and Jemima had another child (a half sister to my ancestor) but I don’t know what happened to her after the 1901 census.
Please contact me if you require further information,
Best Wishes
Thanks for the information Lesley, and I’m glad you like the website. I will forward your comment to our family historian, Malcom Gunn so that he can update the records. Meanwhile, keep well.
(AG, ed.)
Hi, stumbled across your wonderful site and wondered if there was any connection? I know that my grandmother had brothers who emigrated to Perth, Western Australia but I don’t know when. She was Elizabeth Jane Gunn who married Edward Scott Clark and her mother was (I’ve only got) Mrs Alexander Gunn, Born at Barroch Dunnet 12th August 1865. Died at Dalhalvaig 7th December 1903.
Thanking you in anticipation
Janice Coia
Hello Janice. Nice to hear from you. I shall forward your query to the family historian, Malcolm Gunn. He will be able to provide you with a more definite answer than I could. Regards, ed.
I have just started searching my GUNN ancestors and saw the message by Janice Coia on your website dated November 1st. I wonder if you can pass on my contact details to her please as the Mrs Alexander Gunn she mentioned is my Great, great Grandmother.
My Great, grandmother was Jessie Baikie GUNN and would have been Janice’s Grandmothers sister.
I believe we may well be able to help each other in our searches.
Simon Lord
I moved from Canada to Sydney 7 years ago. My paternal grandmother was Ina Mary Manson Voy and she told me her history around the settlement of Voy in the Orkney Islands where she was a champion highland dancer and her father a champion of Clydesdale horses. I do not see the surname Voy as part of the Gunn Clan, but my grandmother said that she was from the Gunn Clan. Would love to know other Gunn Clan members and to find out more about the Voy surname. I still have relatives on the Orkney Islands, but have never met them. Maybe time to find out more about my family’s history.
I’m glad you found us Reyna. Perhaps the family historian, Malcolm Gunn, could help find the link between the Voys and the Gunns. I’ll shall tell Malcolm of your interest.
Best wishes, ed.
Congratulations to Iain Gunn of Banniskirk, who has been recognised as Chief of Clan Gunn. The first Chief of Clan Gunn since 1785 – a truly historic event.
On September 25, 2015, the Lord Lyon King of Arms for Scotland, Dr Joseph Morrow, issued an interlocutor recognizing Iain Alexander Gunn of Banniskirk as Chief of Clan Gunn. This recognises Iain as Representer of the House and Family of Gunn, Chief of the Clan Gunn, and that he is entitled to the additaments of Chief to his Ensigns Armorial, the form of such Ensigns Armorial to be determined by Lord Lyon at a later date.
Iain had previously served as Commander of Clan Gunn for over forty-three years.
Of further interest will be the design of the Coast of Arms as there does not appear to be one previously recognised for the Chief.
Thanks to Clan Gunn for the advice (
Malcolm Buchanan
President, SAHC
My name is Robert John Sinclair. My father is Daniel Gunn Sinclair. When I was a small boy my father showed me a single page that had tartans and a clan history. He was not a man who spoke much but clearly it was important to him that I understand where I came from. He died when I was 15 years old from injuries he sustained in Tobruck in WWII. The Gunn clan’s motto of “Either peace or war” actually helps me make sense of things.
I would love to know what tartan I could wear to represent on Australia Day and other events.
Not intersted in cheap knock off $60 kilts.
Had a question about our motto .could it be possibly interpreted as addressing someone else saying “either peace or War ,your choice?” thank you for your time
my name is Helen Rachel Gunn Gilder. My mother and father are Peter Gunn and Marilyn Gunn. My Grandparents were Murdoch and Jessie Gunn From Toronto. I would love to be able to fill in all the children and grand children they have for the website and newsletter. This is the most amazing place to see the history.
Hello Helen. Please accept my apologies for the late reply. I do not often check the website for correspondence, as you are now aware. If you have any relevant information to be published here, then you could mail it to me.
Thank you for your interest.
Sincerely, Ed.